Friday, March 8, 2013

Road-tripping and green-tripping

Another post along the green trail. This talks about something my kids and I enjoyed while on the road - mainly highways in Kerala.

And that is, stopping to look at various kinds of cash crops. Understanding what is the process from plant produce to bank balance.We stopped at two plantations: a rubber plantation and a tea plantation. And the kids got a good lesson from their grandfather on how rubber is tapped...

Seeing how rubber cutting is done

and how tea is grown, plucked, dried, packed, sold and consumed...
Tea Gardens at Kumily, Kerala

So this is what I would suggest to all of you who go on road trips with your children. Stop. Smell the roses. And show your children that rubber is not factory made, neither does tea come from a box.

P.S. As you can see, my photoshop skills are not good. Where I wanted to blur the kids' faces, I have instead given them some brown masks :) 

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