Saturday, September 22, 2012

I Spy and I Hear

Today's post is another tip. Or two.

I want to tell you about two games I play with the children when there are no toys, books, electronic-items-with-screens or such external distractions. These games don't need any extra equipment other than the ones God has given us.

Game #1: I Spy

Image courtesy:

One is the I SPY game. We play this usually when we are in a moving vehicle. I say three things that are outside the vehicle, and the kids have to find them. Examples are
  1. A lady wearing a saree
  2. An Airtel sign
  3. A medical shop
  4. A coconut tree
  5. 10 white cars
All things/people that are abundantly found, but one doesn't really notice them until one has to really search for them. When an item on the list is found, the children have to point them out to me and I have to see it. Only then does it qualify to  be struck off the list. Once the children complete one list, I tell them the next three to find, and so on.

We have played this for hours, both on city roads as well as highways. It is a good game to play when there are lots of children in the car. Be prepared for excited screaming and arguments about how the adults can't see what the kids can see. Mass hallucinations, sometimes. This game helps to keep that dreaded question away... "Are we there yet?"

Game #2: I hear

Image courtesy:
The second game has to do with sounds. In this noisy world, we don't realize how we are bombarded with sounds and voices. Until we and the children stop doing all else, and just listen.

This game can be played anywhere. All have to close eyes, stop talking and listen. And say what are the different sounds they hear. Where you play the game changes the sounds you hear. A quiet urban evening at home sounds very different from noon in a forest. Even the same place sounds different at different parts of the day.

I have found that chidren's ears can be tuned to the finer sounds in life. And they sometimes hear sounds that adult ears have filtered out. Of course, be prepared for imaginary sounds also. Another fun aspect of this game is verbalizing sounds, rather than just repeating the sound. For example, not saying" I hear tick-tick", but "I hear the ticking of the clock". A quick vocabulary-increasing exercise too!

Am reminded of this song:

O be careful little eyes what you see
O be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little eyes what you see

O be careful little ears what you hear
O be careful little ears what you hear
For the Father up above
Is looking down in love
So be careful little ears what you hear

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Books and Children

What do you do when four young ones under 10 years of age want to spend an afternoon watching TV (Oh that dreaded box) ? Distract them, of course. With books.

Bookshops these days welcome browsers (the human kind), what with their cushioned stools and sofas. A Sunday afternoon is a good time to take children to a book shop. Mine browse and explore, and know that there may or may not be a purchase for them at the end of the visit.

The trick is to disconnect the purchase from the experience. And if you notice, most of the fun times I have with the children are free or low-cost. I am a firm believer of not spoiling children by extravagance. OK, that's enough of me on my soap-box!

The book store has not just books, but toys and stationery. And little trinkets. All-in-all, an exciting place to smell the lovely scent of a new paperback, or to flip through a glossy coffee-table book. Even read Barbie comics or play with a stuffed toy or two.

And the coup-de-grace... I could start reading Fifty Shades of Grey in the same bookshop after hearing so much about this book. Not exactly a kids' activity, given the adult-content slant of the book, but am so hoping that more parents than teens or tweens are reading my posts.

RATING (on 5)

Water: Some bookshops have water dispensers, some have in the attached cafe
Food: The smell of coffee will be connected to the smell of books for my children because of the attached cafe in most bookshops these days. A fair collection of baked pastries and savories.
Toilets: Yes
Cleanliness: 5
Fun: A quiet 5


I am a firm believer of spending time with the children over food... whether it be creating a dish or eating it. Today, spent a good part of the morning baking a chocolate cake with the children.

A three-hand mixer :)
Here is the final product, still in the baking pan...

Kids' Dark Chocolate Cake

Even if you don't bake, I have found that time spent with the children cooking any cuisine in the kitchen is truly valuable. Bonding over practical life-lessons.

Simple Pen and Paper

Today's post is not about a place to visit in Bangalore. It's more a tip for moms who need to keep their toddler busy for some time.

The simple Pen and Paper.

The other day, my three year old was bored as she attended the four year old's Rhyme Time. And the pen and paper kept her occupied for at least 20 minutes (which is like hours in a three-year-old's time zone!). Of course, it was good bonding time for her and me... the letters were written by me and she liked to recognize them.

Children have a fascination for pens. Is it because they have an overdose of crayons, colour pencils, sketch pens and paints? Is it because pens are seen as an adult implement, are usually in the 'no-zone' and so are all the more appealing? The Eve side of all children? A philosophical aside....

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homework in the park

Saturday morning. Homework to be completed. Revision to be done because assessment exams are around the corner. But the outdoors are calling. So what do we do, we who don't have a garden at home? Make good use of the local park.

Craft work behind a tree

Revision on a rock
Homework in the park - Stool and books brought from home

When my eldest asked me a question in Science, I could answer with the help of leaves and mushrooms and birds and squirrels. Breaks in studying were spent running around the park chasing mynas.... A morning truly well spent!


Water: No
Food: This park didn't have any vendors, but some children's parks do have the odd sweet-corn or icecream vendor

Toilets: No
Cleanliness: 4
Fun: 5

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Start

I am a working mother of three, based in Bangalore. And over the years, have turned to the net several times to figure out fun activities for the kids in Bangalore. And have never really found anything truly satisfying.

Two sources that I have dipped into several times over the last few years have been Mango_Mama's Blog at Parentree and Best Parenting Tips blog.

My idea with THIS blog is to give you lots of details on each activity, so that you can plan your outings.

Please do give me feedback, as well as suggestions as we go thru this exciting journey of parenthood and showing our children the wonders of this world and city.
